danaChoga restaurant online ordering increases sales by 300%

dana Choga Case Study

dana Choga Restaurant – Online Ordering, CRM, Digital Marketing

dana Choga is a fine dining restaurant with a strong home delivery system established in 1994, in the national capital region of India. dana Choga approached Wherrelz IT Solutions Private Limited in September 2011 to assist with online ordering and logistics management.
dana Choga’s dine-in restaurant business was stagnating. Limited to 3 outlets at the time there was no visible scope for growth except for online.
Wherrelz IT Solutions Private Limited created an online ordering system to service this purpose. In addition, the website www.danachoga.com was re-designed and developed to suit the restaurant’s current look and feel, and a CRM solution was made available to restaurant staff to track orders and order fulfilment.
This instantly allowed dana Choga to establish itself as the one and only fine dining restaurant to offer online ordering and assured timely delivery at the time in this region. We were able to significantly boost dana Choga’s online presence using Digital Marketing.
We started dana Choga’s online ordering with 4-5 orders per month and average ticket size of Rs 350 – this has been significantly increased to 20-25 orders per day and average ticket size of Rs 650 – thus online revenue growth from zero without a website to ~Rs 52,500 per month before Digital Marketing to ~Rs 487,500 per month. As a result of this effort, dana Choga has now saw fit to setup a patisserie to cater to the eclectic tastes of the populace in the region. It has now expanded to 14 outlets.