Microsoft Cloudsparks

Microsoft has a huge range of programmes for Startups. There’s Microsoft Venture Capital and there’s BizSpark. There’s the accelerator. There’s so much one blog post doesn’t begin to list out the features and benefits.

Wherrelz IT Solutions is a Microsoft BizSpark partner and a guide to other aspiring Microsoft service users. If you need help with your Microsoft work, get in touch with us on +91.9811221082 immediately and we can offer you a consultancy package!

Here’s the benefits of using Microsoft products over anything else
– With Azure, you have this vast gallery true open source solutions at your fingertips. Use Ruby, Python, Java, PHP, and Node.js
– Program across platforms – Windows, iOS, Linux, and others
– Small startups holding little booths at Microsoft’s ThinkNext expo are rapidly purchased by companies like Google, Apple, etc.

Microsoft CloudSparks is not a program – it’s a living entity. Let it SPARK your business!

Wherrelz IT Solutions is your go-to partner to help you with the process.

Call us. +91.9811221082