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Start with a Purpose: Jules Pieri on Building Great Consumer Product Companies

Understanding the Jobs to Be Done Theory for Breakthrough Innovation VIDEO

5 Foundational Pillars for a Successful Entrepreneur Lifestyle

Geek of the Week: Researcher writer mom Amanda Sullivan pushes importance of STEM for young girls

An Entrepreneurs Guide to Navigating COVID19: FREE EBook Download

How to Build Great Teams Within Your Startup

Audible unveils romance audiobook service including a feature to jump to the good parts

SEM vs SEO: Whats the Difference and Why Does It Matter

What Many Entrepreneurs Wish They Had Known Earlier

Amazon is Primed for online domination

Girls Who Code: Building Opportunities Out of Obstacles

Construction wizard Seattle man builds a giant Diagon Alley from Harry Potter in his driveway

Today at Apple Creative Studios will launch in 7 new cities

How to Innovate Faster Using the Lean Startup Methodology

As thousands set out to hack for Microsoft book chronicles two defining projects for accessibility

RJ King Talks Detroit: The Engine of America on StartupNation Radio

Pilot raises 15M to bring bookkeeping into the modern era

GeekWire Calendar Picks: Hacking education comic books artificial intelligence and robotics

Using ADHD Productivity Hacks to Work Faster Than Normal Book Excerpt

Building Opportunities Out of Obstacles: Girls Who Code

3D Printing News Briefs: January 16 2018

Whats in store for Amazon Language tweaks in filings shed light on tech giants evolution

Dream Teams: Working Together Without Falling Apart

From Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur here are 5 books you should read

WriteSome Raises PreSeed round of an Undisclosed Amount

How to Build a Compelling Narrative for Your Startup

GeekWire Calender Picks: Hacking education comic books artificial intelligence and robotics

a16z backs Rutters goal of being Plaid for commerce

Bookshoporg Proves the Power of Independent Bookstores

10 LifeChanging Books Every Side Hustler Needs to Read

Getting Started: Advice for When You Want to Start a Company

How Promoting Intrapreneurship to Millennials Generates Growth and Innovation

WJR Business Beat with Jeff Sloan: Detroit Engine of America by RJ King Episode 64

Creative Clarity: The Elements of a Creative Culture

GeekWire Calendar Picks: Standup mathematician healthcare at home geeky music and more

Interview: Sciencefiction master Neal Stephenson blends high tech and high fantasy in Fall

Prismas style transfer tech creeps into kids books

Book excerpt: Neal Stephensons Fall foretells the future of Seattles South Lake Union tech hub

Beyond Zucked what concerns author Roger McNamee most about our future in tech

Bill Gates looks back at The Road Ahead after 25 years and some hitandmiss tech predictions

3 Spanish audiobooks to sell as an expert

How Do You Design Your Business to Run Itself Balance the Team

Shake it off Microsoft: Brad Smith book recounts runin with pop star over failed chatbot Tay

Profitable Podcasting: Build Your Nation of True Fans

Bill Gates picks his 5 favorite books for 2018

Want Your Business to Run Itself Start by Building a Balanced Team

If Your Startup Is Failing Maybe Youre Pursuing the Wrong Type of Purpose

Company Values Provide a Plan of Attack to Get Back on Track

Palo Alto nonprofit Benetech wins a 425M Dept of Education grant a nod to founder Jim Fruchtermans quest to help the blind

Tablets or textbooks Elementary students take on one of the great tech debates of our time