Tag ~ios devices

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Braves nontracking search engine is now in beta

This Week in Apps: Inapp events hit the App Store TikTok tries Stories Apple reveals new child safety plan

Mobile gaming is having a moment and Apple has the reins

Review: The iPad Pro and the power of the Pencil

Grace debuts privacyfocused parental controls for iOS devices built with Apples Screen Time API

FabuLingua wins the TechCrunch City Spotlight: Austin pitchoff

Apple Pay and iOS App Store under formal antitrust probe in Europe

Disney releases its first ARenabled short film Remembering starring Brie Larson

Microsoft will block Office macros by default starting July 27

North ending production of current Focals smart glasses to focus on Focals 20

Apple and Googles mobile duopoly likely to face UK antitrust action