Tag ~kubernetes

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Thorasai automates resource allocation for Kubernetes workloads

Loft Labs brings power of virtualization to Kubernetes clusters

Harness brings GitOps to its software delivery platform

Knative becomes a CNCF project

With support for Kubernetes now baked in Docker makes its case as the most flexible container management platform

Venafi acquires Jetpack the startup behind the certmanager Kubernetes certificate controller

Signadot promises developers faster feedback loops

Kubernetes and sigstore founders raise 175M to launch software supply chain startup Stacklok

Heptio launches its Kubernetes undistribution

Oracle cloud acquisitions bear fruit with a new serverless platform and container services

Coatue backs Kubecosts goal to supply data to millions of Kubernetes developers

Mirantis acquires Shipa

KSOC says its tackling cloudnative security in a way that is Kubernetesfirst

Castai nabs 77M seed to remove barriers between public clouds

GigaOm Analysts Share Their 2020 Predictions for Enterprise IT

Soloio raises 11M to help enterprises adopt cloudnative technologies

5 tips for dealing with Day 2 Kubernetes operational challenges

Cisco beefing up app monitoring portfolio with acquisition of Epsagon for 500M

Chainguard raises 50M to guard supply chains

Googles serverless computing strategy starts to take shape as it chases Amazon Web Services and Microsoft

Kubernetes in Europe: The most significant news from Kubecon this week

Pulumi releases softwaredevelopment kit to unlock the multicloud potential of Kubernetes

Tetrate nets 125 million to bring microservices to the corporate masses

Amazon Web Services now fully supports Kubernetes with the general release of Amazon EKS

Pixie Labs raises 915M Series A round for its Kubernetes observability platform

How to run data on Kubernetes: 6 starting principles

Microsofts Azure Container Instances which lets you deploy containers with utter disregard for hardware now generally available

How Amazon Web Services will attempt to set the industry agenda at the biggest show in the cloud

New Relic acquires Kubernetes observability platform Pixie Labs

Google doubles down on the service mesh and hybrid cloud as it kicks off its big cloud event

Seattles Upbound introduces Crossplane an opensource project to help companies manage applications across multiple public clouds

Azure Red Hat OpenShift a Kubernetes service jointly managed by Microsoft and Red Hat is now available

ARMO raises 30M to build an endtoend open source Kubernetes security platform

Platform as a service startup Porter aims to become goto for deploying managing cloudbased apps

Googles Urs Hlzle still thinks its cloud revenue will catch its ad revenue but maybe not by 2020

Platformasaservice startup Porter aims to become goto platform for deploying managing cloudbased apps

Heptio launches an open source load balancer for Kubernetes and OpenStack

Tech Startup Nirmata raised 4 million funding led by Z5 Capital

SlimAI helps developers optimize and secure their containers

Tech Moves: Google cloud vet returns to Microsoft ExAvalara president joins Tango Card board Suplari soaks up talent and more

As Kubernetes grows a startup ecosystem develops in its wake

RedHat is acquiring container security company StackRox

NetApp acquires Seattles StackPointCloud for its multicloud Kubernetes expertise

The end of open source

Daily Crunch: Overnight Russias invasion puts Ukrainian tech industry on a war footing

Red Hat open sources StackRox the Kubernetes security platform it acquired last year

Fermyon wants to reinvent the way programmers develop microservices

StackRox nabs 265M for a platform that secures containers in Kubernetes

Rookout launches its live Kubernetes debugger

Five experts explain how software development and operations teams are adjusting to the rapid changes caused by cloud computing