Tag ~national security

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Cybereason raises 200 million for its enterprise security platform

Republican New Deal Signaled by Reagan Institute Manufacturing Task Force Report

Decrypted: With more SolarWinds fallout Biden picks his cybersecurity team

AI aides nationstate hackers but also helps US spies to find them says NSA cyber director

Without proof is Huawei really a national security threat

European Parliament backs ban on remote biometric surveillance

The United States needs a Department of Cybersecurity

Department of Defense Awards Sintavia Contract to 3D Print Hypersonics Components

The how and why of raising OT security capital

Democratic Presidential nominees are ignoring the issue of our cybersecurity infrastructure

Decrypted: DEA spying on protesters DDoS attacks Signal downloads spike

Trumps travel ban could extend to Africas top tech country Nigeria

The White House wants to ban cell phones citing security risk

Unbiased algorithms can still be problematic

ACLU sues Homeland Security over stingray cell phone surveillance

Tortuga Logic raises 2 million to build chiplevel security systems

Divesting from one facial recognition startup Microsoft ends outside investments in the tech

Cymulate snaps up 70M to help cybersecurity teams stress test their networks with attack simulations

Huawei 5G indecision is hitting UKs relations abroad warns committee

AI security startup Darktraces CEO defeats buzzword bingo with trust and transparency

Reps from DHS the FBI and the ODNI met with tech companies at Facebook to talk election security

Security startup Bugcrowd on crowdsourcing bug bounties: Cybersecurity is a people problem

Facebook Microsoft and others sign anticyberattack pledge

Splunks data analytics gets a security boost with 350 million acquisition of Phantom Cyber

Cognizant confirms Maze ransomware attack says customers face disruption

America Makes Hosts 3D PrintingCentered Field Trip for National Defense University

US Department of Commerce Issues New Export Controls on Metal Additive Manufacturing

AI aids nationstate hackers but also helps US spies to find them says NSA cyber director

Pondering an IPO cyber security company CrowdStrike raises 200 million at over 3 billion valuation

Redwire Expands Military Focus with Hera Systems Deal

RiskRecons security assessment services for third party vendors raises 25 million

US finalizing rules to ban certain investments in AI tech in China

How national security is being redefined by climate change

US blames China for Exchange server hacks and ransomware attacks

Alphabets Sidewalk Labs is developing visual cues to indicate when their tech is monitoring you

What security pros need to know from Black Hat Def Con 2019

How US national security agencies hold the internet hostage

Exsecurity chief accuses Twitter of cybersecurity mismanagement in an explosive whistleblower complaint

Microsoft says Iranian hackers targeted a 2020 presidential candidate

CBP does not make it clear Americans can optout of airport face scanning watchdog says

Legal fight against UK state hacking seeks crowdfunds

How the NSA is disrupting foreign hackers targeting COVID19 vaccine research

Microsoft has warned 10000 victims of statesponsored hacking

China can apparently now identify citizens based on the way they walk

In revamped transparency report Apple reveals uptick in demands for user data

UK to toughen telecoms security controls to shrink 5G risks

Supernovas Viscous 3D Printing Tech Gets 2M to Support DoDs Energetic Materials Needs

Justice Department accuses Chinese spies of hacking into dozens of US tech and industry giants

A look back at the Israeli cyber security industry in

UK will allow Huawei to supply 5G with tight restrictions