Tag ~philanthropy

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The MIT Media Lab controversy and getting back to radical courage with Media Lab student Arwa Mboya

How Andrew Carnegie set the stage for Bill Gates to give away his fortune altering philanthropy forever

What motivates innovative entrepreneurs: Money or altruism

SureImpact wins the TC City Spotlight Columbus: PitchOff

With 11M commitment ATT is latest tech company to address Seattles homelessness crisis

MacKenzie Bezos now MacKenzie Scott lists organizations receiving some of her vast wealth

Marc Benioff will discuss building a socially responsible and successful startup at TechCrunch Disrupt

Rebuilding employee philanthropy from the bottom up

Can Big Tech solve the housing crisis The politics of private companies taking on public issues

Microsoft adds 250 million to Seattle housing pledge bringing total commitment to 750M

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative drops 38M on 23 biomedical opensource projects

Why AI needs more social workers with Columbia Universitys Desmond Patton

With Benioff backing Sustainable Ocean Alliance aims to be the rising tide that lifts all ecopreneurs

Jeff Bezos education philanthropy starts hiring for first tuitionfree preschool in Seattle area

Seattle startup is Val Kilmers Top Gun wingman as it helps maneuver an interactive screening of film

New Decarbon8US venture fund lets anyone make a philanthropic gift to climatesaving entrepreneurs

Data says there are only two seasons for fundraising and one secret window

On 5th anniversary the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative announces new institutes and efforts in biotech

Melinda French Gates and MacKenzie Scott give 40M to boost groups working on gender equality

Gates Foundations new nonprofit venture will boost innovations for farmers facing climate change

Lets give tech philanthropists the benefit of the doubt on COVID19

WATCH: Melinda Gates on the 21st Century workforce at SXSW Interactive

HarvardMIT initiative grants 750K to projects looking to keep tech accountable

Report: After MacKenzie Scott gave away billions scammers began preying on vulnerable in her name

Seattlearea engineer and Arizona teacher join billionaires crew for charity space trip

Facebook launches 1B affordable housing initiative joining tech peers trying to close the gap

Seattle startup is acting as Val Kilmers wingman for interactive screening of Top Gun to benefit charity

Big tech should create a national service program to make the US more united

On 5th anniversary the CZIs science program announces new institutes and efforts in biotech

Paul G Allen Family Foundation giving 14M in COVID19 relief aimed at underserved communities

Online donation platform Change helps charities fundraise in crypto

Interview with Priscilla Chan: Her superdonor origin story

Decarbon8 names the first three startups for its climatefocused philanthropic investment fund

Microsofts Erik Arnold merges passion for tech and philanthropy to help nonprofits gain digital success

Gates Foundation commits 21B to advance gender equality and deliver real change

To build responsibly tech needs to do more than just hire chief ethics officers

Bill Gates calls inequitable worldwide access to COVID19 vaccines a public health tragedy

Fast Forward raises new war chest to fight Silicon Valleys inequality machine

Amazon donating an additional 25M to aid underserved Seattlearea students during pandemic

Jeff Bezos Day 1 Families Fund awards 1059M to 42 nonprofits in third year of initiative

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative hires to donate tech not just money

How Jeff Bezos new 2B Day One Fund stacks up to other tech billionaires philanthropy

Tech companies: Its time to show that Black lives really matter to you

Geeks Give Back to end homelessness: Join the campaign to support our neighbors in need

Amazon enlists Prime Air jet in cancer fight aiming to take charitable profile to new heights

Silicon Valleys inequality machine: a conversation with Anand Giridharadas

How tech entrepreneurs think of Universal Basic Income

Equity initiative formed by Melinda Gates and MacKenzie Scott lands 10M more in funding

His legacy will live on forever: Death of Paul Allen brings reaction from the many worlds he touched

Jeff Bezos focus on space spending sparks questions about philanthropy