Tag ~russian election interference

Tag descriptions coming soon to Wherrelz News!

Russian hackers used bitcoin to fund election interference so prepare for FUD

Facebook security chief rants about misguided algorithm backlash

Google offers new findings on Russian disinformation across its products

On Russia tech doesnt know what it doesnt know

How to watch Facebook and Twitters big hearings with Congress

Congress grills Facebook Twitter Google on shells hiding election meddlers

The tech industry needs to move towards responsible innovation in 2018

Facebook and Twitter face a short deadline on Russian bot ReleaseTheMemo reports for Congress

In their first Russia hearing tech giants try to placate Congress with mixed results

Outgoing Facebook CSO Alex Stamos will join Disrupt SF to talk cybersecurity

Bipartisan bill seeks to regulate political ads on Facebook Twitter and Google

Senate Intel committee calls on Facebook to release Russian ads

House Democrats release more than 3500 Russian Facebook ads

Heres how Russia targeted its fake Facebook ads and how those ads performed

Trump and Clinton spent 81M on US election Facebook ads Russian agency 46K

Internet titans ask for flexibility with new election ad regulations