Tag ~satellite imagery

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As concerns rise over forest carbon offsets Pachamas verified offset marketplace gets 15 million

Tekever raises 23M for industrial drone technology optimized for maritime surveillance

Descartes Labs launches its new platform for analyzing geospatial data

Subak which incubates dataforclimate notforprofits announces six startups in 2022 cohort

Zindi rallies Africas data scientists to crowdsolve local problems

Apple is rebuilding Maps from the ground up

OroraTechs spacebased early wildfire warnings spark 7M investment

Hydrosat raises 5M seed round to deliver ground temperature data to customers

Sylvera takes 32M to build trust in carbon offsetting ratings

Agtech startup Imago AI is using computer vision to boost crop yields

Deepfake tech takes on satellite maps

SilviaTerra wants to bring the benefits of carbon offsets to every landowner everywhere

As wildfire season approaches AI could pinpoint risky regions using satellite imagery

Agreena a regenerative farming carbon market raises 47M Seed from Giant VC

Space Angels Chad Anderson on entering a new decade in the entrepreneurial space age

Agreena a regenerative farming carbon market raises 47M Seed from Giant Ventures

Umbra is a Silicon Valley outsider they prefer it that way

RD Roundup: UltrasoundAI medical imaging assistive exoskeletons and neural weather modeling

Cervest raises 37M for Earth Science AI platform to predict climate effects

SkyFi lets you order up fresh satellite imagery in real time with a click

Armed with 195M LiveEO plots a big data course between satellite geospatial information and industry

NASA and Planet expand imagery partnership to all NASAfunded Earth science research

Private space industrialization is here

Glint Solars SaaS is helping developers spin up a pipeline of renewable energy projects

Pachama launches to support global reforestation through carbon markets

Daily Crunch: Google dumps FloC plan proposes new Topics API for ad targeting

Descartes Labs launches its geospatial analysis platform

Analysis backs claim drones were used to attack Venezuelas president

Capella Space launches defensefocused subsidiary as demand for satellite imagery soars

Kettle books 25M for its reinsurance platform against fire and other catastrophes

Autonomous driving startup turns its AI expertise to space for automated satellite operation

As rocket companies proliferate new enabling tech emerges as the next wave in the space race

3D Printing News Briefs: December 15 2017

RD Roundup: Sweat power Earth imaging testing ghostdrivers

Satellite Imagery for Precision Farming Market Trends Top Manufactures Industry Growth Analysis Forecast 2027

WorldCover raises 6M round for emerging markets climate insurance

Medaltvs clipping service allows gamers to share the moments of their digital lives